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Marble Surface

Àngels Bassas

Actress and writer

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Performing Arts- Acting at the INSTITUT DEL TEATRE- UAB - 1992

Best Academy Award1992

Màster of Humanities: Art, Literature and Culture UOC. 2022


PLAYWRITING  TRAINING Programs (Drama Workshops) :  

Many workshops, dramaturgy and academic stages at the Obrador Internacional de la Sala Beckett.

With Pau Miró, 2012

David Harrower, 2013,

and Sergi Belbel (2019-20)


Singing training with:  Francina Rodríguez and  Montserrat Benet.

Also Voice training (Method Linkater) with Christine Adaire.


Languages: Spanish, Catalan, English, French and Italian



Several Theatre Work-shops  with:

  • The director of Teatre Bulandra de Bucarest, Catalina Bozaianu

  • With James de Paul, director of Theatre Training Program at the University of Wisconsin, Milwakee, with whom she was actually collaborating  for 3 months, on Milwakee.

  • With Mary Davison....


She regullarly practices  Tai-chi , Pilates,  Ioga  and Qi-Gong




2022 Cunyades, by R.Grau

2020 Els porcs també mengen verd, by A. Rifé

2018 Molly Bloom, by James Joyce. Muntaner Theatre. Dir. Artur Trias

2017 Diumenge de Joan Brossa. Dir. Hermann Bonnín Teatre La seca

2015/16 Ciara, by David Harrower. Dir. Andrés Lima i Martí Torras Mayneris. 2 seasons at Teatre Akademia and Teatre de l’Eixample.

2014 Electra de j.Palau i Fabre. Dir. Jordi Coca. National Theatre

2013 La Bona Gent.Dir. D.Veronese. Gira.

2013 La Marquesa de Sade, de Yukio Mishima.Teatre Akadèmia. Dir. Emilià Carilla.

2012  No et vesteixis per sopar, de M.Camoletti. Dir. R.Peña. Teatre Condal

2011  El comte Arnau, de Maragall. Dir. H.Bonnin. TNC

2010  Ritter,Dene,Voss; Almuerzo en casa de los Wittgenstein, de T.Bernhard. Dir. J.Mª Mestres. T. Romea

2010  Duet per una sola veu, de T. Kempinski. Dir.M.Puyo. T Romea

2010  El Cafè, de Goldoni. Dir.J.Ollé.T.Romea

2009  Don Carlos de Shiller. Princesa de Éboli. Dir. Calixto Bieito. TN Manheim-Alemania. Teatre Romea, Bcn. Perpignan. CDN Teatro Valle-Inclán, Madrid.

2009  Terra Baixa de Guimerà. Dir. Hasko Weber. Teatre Romea

2008/09  Mama Medea de T. Lanoye. Dir. Magda Puyo. Companyia Romea

2008    Carta d´una desconeguda by Stefan Sweig. Direcció: Fernando Bernués, Tantaka Teatroa, Caer

2007  Els hereus d´Alain Krief. Direcció:  Pep Antón Gómez. Villarroel Teatre 

2004   El rei Lear de Shakespeare. Direcció: Calixto Bieito. Teatre Romea.

2004   T´estimaré infinitt de Gemma Rodríguez. Direcció: Magda Puyo. Teatre Nacional de Catalunya

2003   Electrade Sòfocles. Direcció, Antonio Simón. Teatre Grec. Bitó Produccions. Festival de Teatro Clásico de Mérida.

2002  Geloses d’Ester Vilar. Dir. T.Devant. Teatre Villarroel.

2000/01  Bodas de sangre de Federico García Lorca. Dir. F. Madico.

2000   La vida es sueño de Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Dir. Calixto Bieito. Teatre Romea de Barcelona. Co-Prod. Focus/Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico. Teatro de la Comedia de Madrid.

1999   La Presa de Conor McPherson. Dir. Manuel Dueso. Teatre Romea de Barcelona. Prod. Focus.

1999    Molt soroll per no res de W. Shakespeare. Dir. Ferran Madico. Teatro Grec de Barcelona. Prod. Focus.

1998   La Senyoreta Júlia de A. Strindberg. Dir. Antonio Simón. Teatre Tantarantana de Barcelona.

1997    Filoctetes de Heiner Muller. Dir. Antonio Simón. Sala Beckett de Barcelona.

1996/95   Amfitrió/Anfitrion de Molière. Dir. Calixto Bieito. Cia del Teatre Lliure de Barcelona. Temporada en el Teatro Lara de Madrid. Gira per España. Festival de Caracas (Venezuela). 4º Festival de la Union des Teatres de l'Europe en Bucarest (Rumania)

1994   La Corona d`espines de J.M. de Sagarra. Dir. Ariel García Valdés. Centro Dramático de Barcelona. Teatro Romea. Gira.

1994/93   Diari d’una cambrera/Diario de una camarera d’ Octave Mirbeau. Dir. Antonio Simón. La Cuina de l’Institut del Teatre. Festival de Guadalajara. Festival de San Lorenzo del Escorial. Gira per Espanya. Festival Grec94. Festival Don Quijote in París.

1993 Per molts anys de M. Camoletti. Dir. Frederic Roda.

1992  Falses aparences, sobre textos de Molière. Dir. Antonio Simón. Centre Dramàtic de Terrassa.

1991   El Somni d’una nit d’estiu, de Shakespeare. Dir. Calixto Bieito. Teatro Grec.

1988   La Mandràgora de N. Machiavelli. Dir. Xicu Masó. Teatre Principal de Girona. Gira.




La mujer Ilegal de R.Térmens 2019

Pàtria de Joan Frank Charansonnet. 2017

Catalunya Uber Alles, de Ramon Termens. 2011

Negro Buenos Aires. Dir. Ramon Termens. 2009

El juego del ahorcado. Dir. Manuel Gómez Pereira. 2009

Entre las piernas. Dir. Manuel Gomez Pereira. 1999.

Padre Modelo, Dir. Alejandro Marzoa. Curtmetratge. 2011

Max .Dir. David Pérez i Pere Solés. Curtmetratge 2012

La Cena  Dir. Albert Blanco. Curtmetratge. 2012

Jo també em dic Júlia. Dir. Romà Guardiet. TV Movie. 1998.

Tan lejos tan cerca. Dir. Dani Vázquez. Curtmetratge. 1998.

Tempus fugit. Dir. Xavier Bernaveu. Migmetratge. 1996.

Barcelona.Whit Stillman. 1993.





Sicila sense morts IB3, TV3, FILMIN

Les de l'Hoquei, TV3. 2019

Olor de Colònia, TV3 - Diagonal TV. 2013

Cuéntame como pasó(2012/2013) TVE

Kubala,Moreno,Manchón, TV 3, 2012

Punta Escarlata (2010) Sèrie de La Cuatro

LEX (2009) A3 tv

El internado(2008/09) A3 tv 

El cor de la ciutat(2003/05) TV3

Temps de silenci(2000) TV3

Nissaga, l`herènciaTVC. 

Estació d`enllaç(1998) TV3

Sitges(1997) TV3-C33 

Secrets de família(1996) TV3-C33

Pedralbes Centre(1996) TV3-C33

Xafarranxo(1992/93) TVE-2





2015/16/17/18 She’s the current teacherfor Acting/Performing Arts at ESART,a University school of Acting that offers Official Acting Degrees : BTEC and Bath Spa University in Barcelona


2014 teacher at INSTITUT DEL TEATRE/ ESAD Barcelona,

ACTING TECHNIQUES II (Text/Musical)-(through scene study) 

 “Tècniques d’Interpretació. Text Musical II.- Estudi d’escenes” 


Teacher for the Director Students at the Institut del Teatre during the academy season 1997/98, and 1998 al 1999.


Several masterclass of acting techniques at EÒLIA Drama school,Escola Superior d’Art Dramàtic


And also regularly teaches at Porta 4Theatre Schoolfor adults.


Master class , workshops, conferences and coaching  for enterprises.


Conference-lecturesfor oficial Governements such as Ajuntaments, Institut Català de la Dona, Generalitat, Lybraries, and for centers/Schools of regular Education (Primary and bachelor’schools)





As an Actress:

Best Actress on Oriana Award’s of Cinema 2017, for her acting on Patria’s film


Josep Pons Award 2012 on her trajectory


MAX  Award– Best Suporting Actress/ Premio MAX de las Artes Escénicas (the most important Acting Award in Spain), for her acting on King Lear(2005)  


Critic’s Award season 1997/98, for her acting on Miss Julie


Critic’s Award season 1995/96, for her acting on “Anfitrión”


Best Actress Award at the Festival of Guadalajara, 1994, for her acting on Diario de una camarera


Estrella Intercoiffure Award, on her trajectory as an actress, Gremi de Mestres Perruquers Internacionals. 1995


Best Academy Student /Premi Extraordinari d'Interpretació 1992 de l'Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.


As a Writer:

Prix du Livre Vivant 2017 for PATATU, at the Pirenées Orientales/France.


Finalist of J.Pla Literature Award for her novel DÓNA’T



2022 Fem teatre- Hacemos teatro. La Galera

2019 Book: La maleta de la memòria, with S.Macip. Published by Cruïlla Editorial


2018 Book: a novel titulated La vida té aquestes coses (Life has this things), published by Edicions 62


2015 Finalist of the prestigous Josep Pla Literature Award.

With her novel DÓNA’T (Give yourself), published on June 2016, by EDICIONS 62


In 2013  she created the caracter PATATU, a country clown . His adventures with magicians and friends are nowdays delighting many kids all over Spain. Published by the important editors LA GALERA EDITORIAL,

She already has 8 children’s books of the colletion serial PATATU

8 In Catalan and 8 Spanish. Also been sold abroad, in Chile.


She has also writen the musical theatre playbased upon the tales of Patatu, premiered in Summer 2014, during the GREC FESTIVAL;

and made a successfull season twice in Romea Theatre produced by VIU el Teatre, and it is also having a tour all over Catalunya and South of France.


PATATU book number 8, recently wonBest Book Award/ Prix Du Livre Vivant 2017 in Pirenées Orientales France.


She has writen 5 plays:


“Patatu” l’espectacle. 2014. Minigrec. T.Poliorama. Productora Viu el teatre

“The Box”. 2014

“EL Desig o la Precarietat”. 2013/2014

“Ego love”. 2011

”Àiaxa”. 2010


With her play “El Desig o la precarietat” she was worthy of a grant for her writing, from the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat, Institució de les Lletres Catalanes 2014





She is the presenter of  Jocs Florals de Poesia de Barcelona for more than 25 years, organised by Ajuntament de Bcn 


Presenter of oficial and political acts for : Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntaments, Xarxa Metropolis, Institut Català de la Dona, Libraries...etc)


She writes articles about literature on La Llança (, a culture magazine

She also promotes reading upon children, trough her books, on the libraries of Catalunya : Xarxa de Biblioteques de Catalunya.


She has also participated on regular radio shows

as a collaborator on different radios such us COM Ràdio and Catalunya Radio


And also many conferences      

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